Procedure of Work Patent Getting for Citizens of CIS
Procedure of Work Patent Getting for Citizens of CIS
As of 2015 Changes in Laws that are made for foreigner that work in Russia Federation
As of 1 January 2015 changes in laws that are made for foreigners that will work in Russia Federation have entered into force.
As of 1 January 2015, new type Work Patent application has started which enables the foreigners that can come to Russia from Commonwealth of Independent States with visa-free regime application, to work both separately in individual Works and in companies.
In cards which are called as Work Patent, the profession which will be worked, is stated. Things that are needed to be known before taking Work Patent:
- Entry to Russia Federation
- Application with needed documents in 30 days for taking of Work patent
- CERTIFICATE that shows you have a grasp of Russian language, Russian history and Laws of Russia federation
- INN Document - Person Tax Number
- Obligatory Health Insurance – DMS (Dobrovolnoe Meditsinskoe Strahovanie)
- Health Report
- Tax of Work Patent - (NDFL- Person Income Tax)
- Notice of employment of foreigner that is employed, to UVM (Federal Immigration Service)
- Cancellation of Work patent
1. As of 2015 the entry to Russia Federation will be possible only with foreign passports. Excepting the citizens of countries that are member of Customs and Economy Union. Mark in your migration card in the section of entry purpose to Russia, absolutely the RABOTA- working.
2. For taking of Work patent the needed documents have to be prepared and submitted to UVM(Federal Immigration Service) within 30 days after the making of entry to Russia Federation. If the foreigner couldn’t apply within 30 days for taking Work patent, it is punished with administrative money penalty which is between 10 000 and 15 000 ruble.
3. The foreigners that will work in Russia federation and have temporary residence RVP and continuous residence, need to know Russian language and basic Russian Federation laws. In order to prove this with CERTIFICATE, foreigner should enter to exam and take enough points. Those who have completed their education in USSR until 1 September 1991 and those who have completed their education in Russia Federation after 1 September 1991, do not have to enter to exam when they documented their this situation. CERTIFICATE is given for 5 years. We recommend you to contact with us regarding taking of CERTIFICATE for saving from time and not waiting in queues.
4. The 13. Clause, 7. Sub-paragraph of Russia Federation Law which is described as” about right situations of foreigner citizen”, is like” every foreigner that will work, needs to take INN from tax office”.
5. Without Obligatory Health Insurance – DMS (Dobrovolnoe Meditsinskoe Strahovanie), it can be made application of plastic card for Work Patent work permit. You can contact with us for Obligatory Health Insurance.
6. For taking Work Patent (for the citizen of Commonwealth of Independent States) and Work permit in Russia, the health report must definitely be submitted to UVM(Federal Immigration Service). You can contact with us for Health Report.
7. As of 1 January 2015, the foreign country citizens that will work by taking Work Patent, have to pay NDFL (Nalog na Dohodı Fiziçeskih Lits)- Person Income tax each month according to tax laws of Russia Federation. This amount has been determined as 4500 ruble.
A-Tax payment order of those that will work in sole proprietorship
In case that foreign country citizens work in sole proprietorship, it has to pay person income (State fee-Gosposhlina) tax at the rate of %13 of its salary.
B-Tax payment order of those that will work in companies
If foreign country citizens are employed in a company, they will pay %30 of their salary for up to 180 days as tax. The tax rate after 180 days is % 13.
8. The notice of employment of foreign country citizen which has taken Work patent to work in Russia, should be made to UVM(Federal Immigration Service) by the company at latest 3. day of its employment with WORK AGREEMENT. The person who is taken for working, is also obliged to give the copy of its WORK AGREEMENT, either by going in person or by post, to the authority from which it take Work Patent or to post it, within latest 2 months from giving of patent. But in the practice, it doesn’t happen so, company is giving also WORK AGREEMENT while making notice regarding employment, and thus the person which is taken to work, doesn’t have to give work agreement in person.
9. Most important reasons that necessitate THE CANCELLATION of patent which foreign country citizen has who work in Russia Federation by taking Work Patent, are as following:
A- In case that it is deported from Russia Federation within five years before the date it will apply for the patent or according to readmission agreement made between Russia Federation and a foreign country to be delivered to mentioned country or that it is deported from Russia Federation several times(two and more times) within ten years before the date it will apply for the patent or according to readmission agreement made between Russia Federation and a foreign country to be delivered to mentioned country patent;
B- In case that foreign is punished according to administrative legislation due to breach of the rules of “Regime of Staying(residing) of Foreign Citizens in Russia Federation” a few times in a year;
C- In case of staying outside of Russia Federation more than six months;
D- In case of not giving of a copy of work agreement or Transact business(rendering service) agreement which is applied to Civil Law, to the related Federal Migration Service;
E- In case of not paying of patent tax (NDFL-Person Income Tax) which is collected for patent.